7ero H3LL

CRank: 5Score: 25570

Just the facts dude:

Ps3= 1bil vertices
360= 500mil triangles

1triangle = 3 vertices


Ps3= 333mil triangles
360=...500mil triangles
ms didn't BS their vertex performance like sony did

just visit wikipedia and look up " http://en.wikipedia.org/wik... (for the PS3) and "

See, THAT's Sony's fanbase! People who will praise and hail the creator of a series, then kick him when he's down. Hironobu will always be a great mind, Squenix just wants more money off the whole jRPG fanbase, and they're too over-hyped on Tetsuyas designs that hey seriously are going to miss out Hironobus next greatest creations. Hideo just plain wants to shun 360 owners, in favor of his bleeding-hearted fans, which now makes me a hater, right? It's not hating, it's Hideo, and I'm a fan too...

6175d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

we can hope for better, and end up with worse. Xbox 360 has got a great line up of games, a superb online network, and it's all due to well strategized releases as well as a pretty damned well capable machine that unleashes its raw power as freely to a developer as any console worth developing for should. Afterall, if a console can deliver on its promise (*cough*Sony's 180 games promise*cough*) then that console is surely hiting all the right notes! However, if developers are struggling just ...

6175d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

A game that's in dev for about the same amount time every year (hell, they've probably built their whole structure around the releases of this series) and you think that Peter Moore's departure from MS and enlisting with EA can magically affect a games framerate?! Nope, it's just that their team is having (and always has) had problems with development on PS3.

Until they take the blu(ray) pill and dive into the depths of a perplexing complexity such as the CellBE, I think their...

6175d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Considering that people will spend less on a 360 then on ps3(which will go back up in price)also halo,and heavenly sword I believe both lie on the same month. X(

6175d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yeah, but I'm descriping a REAL game here, not just some comic book match-off. And that assassins creed dude is further in the past, so his style just would contradict any sort "next gen" features 47 would have. For me, I think it would just be awesome to have them in a game together. It's like the ultimate protection (Fisher) versus the most lethal attack (a hitman like 47). You can just imagine the epic story that could be woven around them. Whereas Fisher vs Snake basically means...

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

snake's in his own class, at least for now. Maybe Clint Eastwood, Kurt Russel or Stalone, since snake does a fair share of acting too.

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get those two in one game and I'll buy ten of em!

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A plot that pits 47 and Fisher playing cat and mouse, and you've got the crossover made in heaven. Since they BOTH use stealth, it's got tension built into it! Imagine having to outwit the great 47 on one of HIS OWN MISSIONS! Or, trying to pull off an impossible hit, with Fisher hot on your trail trying to stop you!

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sam Fisher vs Hitman Codename 47:
(Comeon! The nations best defense versus the worlds best assassin, it's the blockbuster hit of the decade)

6176d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS doesn't own HD-DVD and Sony only chose Blu-ray to convince you that $600 for a console was "a great value". Blu-ray playability is a big plus, so is that massive storage capacity it has going for it. But capacity does not make better games, and if MS can get well known developers to make STELLAR blockbuster hits even on dual layer DVDs is just goes to show you that blu-ray's only selling point is in movies. 50gb doesn't mean anything if it can't show more than 256mb of textures o...

6177d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

nuff said. No matter how new the disc is, no matter much space it has, a disc scratched is a disc done dead. 30-40 bucks for a disc that is no more durable than a DVD or CD? And I'm talking about both HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Sure it's nice to have that much space on a single disc, but HDDs access much faster and flash memory is about the same as disc access speads, minus the moving parts.

Most portable devices use optional slots for such devices and almost none (save the PSP) use an a...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

nuff said. No matter how new the disc is, no matter much space it has, a disc scratched is a disc done dead. 30-40 bucks for a disc that is no more durable than a DVD or CD? And I'm talking about both HD-DVD and Blu-ray. Sure it's nice to have that much space on a single disc, but HDDs access much faster and flash memory is about the same as disc access speads, minus the moving parts.

Most portable devices use optional slots for such devices and almost none (save the PSP) use an a...

6177d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yep, it's plainly there. It's true: HD-DVD is not as detrimental to MS as opposed to how Blu-ray is so much so to Sony.

6177d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to somewhat shed light on MS's decision to hold games on just dual layer DVDs, instead of tying themselves to EITHER next gen disc format. First off, for those of you who believe that Blockbuster's desicion has sealed HD-DVDs fate, you're wrong. Movie rentals have died down in the last few years, and more people are going online, via services and subscription based home-delivery.

Pre-formated downloadable media files (wmv, divx, mp3, wma, aac, whatever) have risen in popula...

6177d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

It just plain has the best car handling physics of any currently released driving/racing sim. As for the future, GT5 will compete with what's out then, so let's not do these uneven comparisons. As far as I'm concerned, it just causes flame wars for haters out there. PGR4 will compete with GT5. Let the judgements be made with the right time frame in mind. Obviously I wouldn't make a comparison between a 1st gen PSone game to a more recent end-of-life PS2 game. So, with that in mind let's try t...

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But i heard his recording with an MS rep and yep, he's got 11 "case numbers" on file. Weird but its true. But his case is not indicative of a vast majority. Meaning very few people have hit that high a number, most have fallen at around 2-4. But they, even that's too many!

6177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People need to get mature if they're going to comment in "gamer community" forums, there's no hate in here. We should all work together to get answers to each others questions. With comments like that GuessWhoIAM's I'd say that anyone else with similar thoughts, just ctrl copy and paste so you don't even bother wasting time typing it. That way, they all seem the same. Because they add up to same thing anyway.

6177d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

We ourseleves are responsible for the products that we purchase. Take better care of your console. Simple things, like blowing out the dust in the fan blades and vents. Or cleaning up the caked in dust inside the grooves of the disc tray. I even have my system's rear pointing sideways so that its exhaust goes away from the wall and into the air, thereby preventing heat build up around the console. I clean the outter shell once a week with a nice clean damp cloth.

And this isn't...

6177d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment